For many Canadian therapists, the trajectory seems to be that once you start getting full with clients that you should open a group private practice.
However, if you blindly consider opening a group private practice without evaluating whether or not it is truly something that you want, then you may end up in a very stressful situation, feeling burned out and confused as to how this happened!
Therefore, when you think that it is time to consider this next phase of your career and you are drawn to the idea of growing your solo a Canadian private practice into a group private practice, really give it some intentional thought, so that you can make a decision that is good for YOU!
So, if you are trying to weigh up your options, listen to this podcast episode where I ask you a couple of important questions to use when deciding which path to take.
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In This Episode
- Is it your passion?
- Do you like managing people?
- Will it impact your work-life balance?
- Are you following the crowd?
Is it your passion?
There are so many reasons why people decide to open a group private practice, so make sure that if you are considering this path it is something that you are prepared to do because YOU have the desire to do it!
A lot of people will encourage private practice owners to open a group private practice as a ‘natural next step’, when this isn’t necessarily a formulaic process, because it has to be intentional.
‘Why am I doing the things that I’m doing? Am I trying to be strategic? Am I trying to level up and get somewhere else? [Do] I have interest in what I’m doing, or am I just using it as a stepping stone to get to another place without any passion in the action that I’m taking?’ – Julia Smith
Remember that passion and an active drive to pursue something are powerful ingredients for success. So don’t follow the crowd just because everyone else is, and take your genuine interests and passions into account when figuring out your next steps.
Do you like managing people?
Do you want to add more therapists to your private practice so that more people in your community can receive help? Do you want to make passive income? Even more so, do you want to be a boss and a manager?
Being a manager is a skill that has to be developed, and something that you can learn from consultants or courses.
‘It’s not that simple. You will have to manage your associates or employees, and that’s going to take time and energy. There will be stress, conflict resolution, so much goes into dealing with other people in your business, and you have to make sure that it’s worth it for you!’ – Julia Smith
Will it impact your work-life balance?
If you are considering changing your solo practice into a group practice, imagine your current life and what it could be changed into if you do make this switch.
In the book, The Top Five Regrets of the Dying: A Life Transformed by the Dearly Departing by Bronnie Ware, a palliative care nurse who noted the top five regrets that people had as they were passing away, and they are;
- I wish I had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me
- I wish I hadn’t worked so hard
- I wish I had the courage to express my feelings
- I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends
- I wish I had let myself be happier
‘You may want to sit with those five regrets and you may want to consider them when you’re thinking about growing your solo private practice into a group private practice. What are you prioritizing if you have a group private practice? Is it going to take away from work-life balance, relationships, your happiness? Or is it going to add to [those]?’ – Julia Smith
Are you following the crowd?
Do you want to open a Canadian group private practice only because that is what consultants and supervisors say is the next step?
Sure, it can be difficult to untangle what you want alone instead of what you think you want from looking at what worked for others. Figure out what works for you, and develop that!
‘Of course, it’s okay to start a group private practice so that you can make more income, but if making an income is the main reason why you want to start a group private practice, maybe you need to go over these questions again, because they’re so many other ways to make income!’ – Julia Smith
Connect With Me
Resources Mentioned and Useful Links:
Ep 126: Celissa Vipond & Melissa Lindstrom: From Friendship to Successful Practice | EP 126
Learn more about the tools and deals that I love and use for my Canadian private practice
Article: How to Set Up a Canadian Private Practice Website
Sign up for my free e-course on How to Start an Online Canadian Private Practice
Jane App (use code FEARLESS for one month free)
Books mentioned in this episode: The Top Five Regrets of the Dying: A Life Transformed by the Dearly Departing by Bronnie Ware
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About Julia
Julia Smith, MEd, RCT, CCC is a registered Counselling Therapist who owns a group private practice in Halifax, Nova Scotia. She is also the owner of Fearless Practice Consulting and hosts the Fearless Practice podcast. Through the Fearless Practice podcast, she provides invaluable insights and practical advice on starting and growing a successful Canadian private practice. Julia’s wealth of knowledge also extends beyond the podcast, as she provides personalized one-on-one consulting to therapists who are feeling burnt out and overwhelmed with their solo or group private practices. With Julia’s expertise, therapists can confidently navigate the complexities of owning a private practice and find work life – balance.
Julia also has written articles for the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy association. You can learn more at